Utkarsh Ambudkar- Outkast in all Circles

Season 1, Episode 73,   Apr 06, 2016, 09:52 PM

This week we're excited to have on the show one of the more famous South Asian actors in America: Utkarsh Ambudkar. He is a musician, rapper, actor, and basketball nerd who has been on everything from The Mindy Project to Pitch Perfect to being the first Indian American on The Simpsons to Barbershop 3 (which drops April 15th). He joins us for what turns into a free-flowing conversation amongst three brown men who are figuring shit out. We dive into topics from showing up on time to work, to how someone showing their DD's to Utkarsh is how he started acting. We also talk about the insecurities we faced growing up, whether it would be easier being white, and who were our role models as kids/what kind of role models can we now be. But as if that wasn't enough we also got to hear about his amazing experience working with South Asian kids in a program that took Basketball to India. This meandering but fascinating conversation cuts into the core of what we are trying to do with this podcast: we question the status quo and keep on questioning...so pull up a cup of chai and listen in. We know you want to.