Goda Tungl in conversation with Oldham Chronicle journalist Simon Smedley at the Dot to Dot Festival

Jun 07, 2016, 09:06 AM

Incredibly it’s nine months since Royton electro rockers Goda Tungl released their superbly-received “Zoo Bar” five-track EP, and now it seems the four local lads are gearing up to spend more time in the studio. Goda Tungl – front-man Scott Brown, guitarists Tom Nixon and Sam Holtom, and electronics percussionist Harrison Boase – continue to make steady progress since first forming back in 2013. A couple of the lads are now studying at Leeds university but, unlike some other bands in similar situations, Goda Tungl remain as tight-knit and focused as ever. Listen to Oldham Chronicle journalist Simon Smedley speaking exclusively to the whole band after their recent successful gig at Manchester's Dot to Dot Festival.