WMAL Interview - KT McFarland 06.15.16

Jun 16, 2016, 01:59 PM

INTERVIEW — KT MCFARLAND – Fox News National Security Analyst @KTMCFARLAND

Obama Defends Ban on Term ‘Radical Islam.’ Critics say failure to link Islam to enemy hinders counterterror war. President Obama vigorously defended his administration’s counterterrorism policy on Tuesday of avoiding the term “radical Islam” when identifying terrorists, and denied political correctness was behind the ban.
Mateen’s twin trips to Saudi Arabia raise suspicions. Orlando gunman Omar Mateen’s two trips to Saudi Arabia, one of which was a pricey package that included four-star accommodations and fancy meals, were highly unusual and may have been cover for terror training, according to experts. The FBI is piecing together Mateen’s radical Islam roots, and the trips to Saudi Arabia could be a sign of his growing religious devotion. His stated reason for both the 2011 and 2012 trips was umrah, a Muslim pilgrimage to the Kingdom that is not as significant as the hajj, a trip all Muslims must make to Mecca at least once in their lives. Either or both of the trips could also have included a side trip.
Federal prosecutors convene grand jury to investigate wife of Orlando massacre gunman, source says. Federal prosecutors have convened a grand jury to investigate the wife of the Orlando nightclub shooter, seeking to charge her as an accessory to 49 counts of murder and 53 counts of attempted murder as well as with failure to notify law enforcement about the pending terrorist attack and lying to federal agents, a federal law enforcement source confirmed Tuesday to FoxNews.com. FBI agents have interviewed Omar Mateen’s wife, Noor Salman, in the days since Sunday’s massacre that killed 49 and wounded 53 more. A federal law enforcement source additionally told Fox News that Salman knew of her husband’s deadly plans and did nothing to stop him.