Jigsaw 3 (Maida Vale)

Jul 20, 2016, 10:24 AM

Maida Vale station reimagined by Tate McNeil.

"I started it in Audiomulch, a modular software which I often use to get the creative juices flowing. I stretched an original sample and then used a granulator module to really chop up both the original sample and the Maida Vale sample. This created some odd, choppy string like effect.

From here I exported to FLStudio 10, which I use for arrangements and mixing. I used the original Maida Vale sample as a bed for the whole track, applying some light reverb and cutting out some of the harsher frequencies. I then added the export. I also used a scraping metal sound from the sample as an incidental motif throughout the track. From here I added some low end with a FL native synth. this also helped build some melodic structure to the track. I then used Ozone 5 to produce a final master.

In terms of my goal, I really wanted to create the effect of a journey of some kind without focusing to heavily on the maida sample as the vehicle to doing so. I used the drawn out string sound and panning to create the effect of 'underground' movement (no pun intended)."

Part of our project The Next Station, reimagining the sounds of the London Underground and creating the first ever tube sound map. August 2016 - for more information see www.citiesandmemory.com/thenextstation