Episode 092 :: Pikachu Butts

Jul 20, 2016, 01:11 AM

Wicked Anime brings you awesome animated commentary every other week!

The Mecca of all things anime, Anime Expo, took place just a few short weeks ago, and guess who was there?! Not these guys! But hey, we know some people who did get to go! We sit down with fans and industry guests alike to talk about the adventures they got to have while we sat at home stewing in jealousy!

Join Jonathan, Andrew, Evan of the Boston Bastard Brigade, Kai from MangaGamer, and Wicked Fan Gerardo as they talk about what’s happening in anime and a whole lot of Anime Expo, yo! PLUS – What does the cucumber say, dat Pikachu, and doing the tail things together!

Links and more on the episode's main page: http://nerdyshow.com/2016/07/wicked-anime-podcast-episode-092-pikachu-butts