Tips to Make Growing Tall a Child's Play

Aug 01, 2016, 06:58 AM

Antibiotics are often used to treat serious cases of acne. Erythromycin and clindamycin are to gel-like antibiotic solutions that can be applied to the face. Azelaic acid is also a popular product and features antibacterial properties derived from wheat. A newly release product is called Aczone, or topical dapsone gel. This antibiotic used as a gel for acne remedy, but it can also be taken orally as leprosy treatment. Some antibiotics gels are combined with other compounds like benzoyl peroxide. These chemicals are already helpful for treating acne, so they multiply the effect of the cream. This combination is also used to decrease the bacteria's resistance against any of the ingredients. Some of the latest combination products include Ziana (clindamycin and retinoic acid) and Epiduo (benzoyl peroxide and adapalene). Oral antibiotics are usually used as cystic acne remedies, but they can also be used to treat moderate acne. Generally, this treatment will begin with a dose of tetracycline or a similar product. Physicians have used tetracycline for decades to treat acne. Compared to other drugs, tetracycline is relatively safe and does not include any long term effects. After a study involving thousands of patients, scientists have proved that tetracycline is safe and can be used for long periods of time.

Tetracycline should not be consumed with any mineral/vitamin combinations, milks, or any meals whatsoever. This is because the food can bind inside the stomach with the drugs and lessen its ability to fight acne. Tetracycline should be taken on an empty stomach. If you need to take it after a meal, make sure to wait at least thirty minutes or one hour. In some cases, this drug may lead to heartburn or an upset stomach. It should never be taken by pregnant women because the drug may enter the womb and stain the teeth of the child. It also should not be consumed by nursing women or any children under eight years old. Erythromycin possesses anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, so it is often used as a beginning acne treatment. It can be manufactured in capsule, liquid, or tablet form and is available for a moderate price. This drug may occasionally cause an upset stomach, but aside from that it has proven to be safe for most users. If you want an acne treatment that has no side effects or negative symptoms, then you should find a natural acne remedy from a health store or website.