Videogame BANG! Episode 16 : Richard Sherman Leaks Titanfall Alpha

Jan 23, 2014, 05:31 AM

Stop what your doin' cause we're about to ruin, the image and the style that your used to.. Cory Here with Videogame BANG! with a spectacular episode of our podcast! There is so much going on in the world and there is nobody else on earth I'd rather discuss it with than the panel today. As always the Cheech to my Chong Aaron Carter is here with fan favorite Steven Guttierez, and rounding out the team the beautiful Madison Motta.

Big story floating around on the line has been Nintendo officially stamping the Wii U as a failure. The company is a sinking ship and the crew trys to figure out where Nintendo went wrong, and what good can come from this?? Mario cameos in Halo 5?? A Disney buyout?! The BANG! gang then follows that up with an in depth discussion on ethics in reviewing and discussing video games ie Microsoft allegedly attempting to bribe YouTubers to say nice things about the Xbox One. Before the break we cover a few short marvel and DC movie rumors.

After the jump we have a man who claims to be Richard Sherman, who was selected for EA's Titanfall Alpha. He spills all of the juicy details about the gameplay, what Titanfall got right, and a few minor disappointments . We unload all of our questions about the gameplay and balance of combat, and this Richard Sherman character holds nothing back!!! Open Book! No holds barred!

Next the show gets a little serious as we discuss the train wreck situation that is the possible end of net neutrality. Its a terrible subject that frankly needs to get any and all press it can muster. Please do as we are and get educated on this subject because it effects EVERYONE. After that downer we try and lift your spirits with an old game we have not played in a very long time.. SPOILERS its the Top 10!!!

Loaded show here folks as always let us know what you think by tweeting us @videogameBANG or on twitter