The grind and crush of the rush hour

Aug 01, 2016, 01:13 PM

Ravenscourt Park reimagined by Andy Billington (Solo1).

"I spend a lot of time on the London Underground travelling from St Pancras into work in West Acton but never quite make it down to Ravenscourt Park Station. I must go there now....

I thought of all the commuters in their personal sound worlds as they travelled to and from their places of home and work. I thought of what sounds would invade their personal sound worlds on their journey around Londinium and tried to render this in the track. I also tried to capture a sense of the grind and the crush of rush hour, the natural reverb of the subterranean and the eventual re surface (rebirth?) at the end of the working day."

Part of our project The Next Station, reimagining the sounds of the London Underground and creating the first ever tube sound map. August 2016 - for more information see