Ep. 34 Tripping Through McDonald's

Aug 04, 2016, 02:53 AM


We kick of this week talking about comedy albums, Robert Schimmel and modern late night TV. Tim explains how McDonald's used to work in the 80s and how to always get fresh, hot fries.

Ron White visited the barbershop where Tim works and Tim talks about his GoFundMe.

TV TALK: Preacher, Ray Donovan, Vice Principals, The Night Of, Squidbillies, Roast Battle, Match Game, Stranger Things and more!

STAFF PICKS: Tim - Daytime Fighting League (AdultSwim.Com) featuring Vinny Bucci + Dreams With Sharp Teeth (Harlan Ellison documentary) & Danger Five (Netflix) / Steph - Marcella (Netflix) / Jeff - David Cross "Make America Great Again" (Netflix) / Ira - Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast & The Nerdist (Rob Reiner)

#AdamSandler #RobertSchimmel #GilbertGottfried #McDonalds #RayDonovan #RonWhite #MatchGame #StrangerThings #JohnByner #JimGaffigan #Heat #AdultSwim #VicePrincipals #MrRobot #TheNightOf #Preacher #JeffRoss #DangerFive #HarlanEllison #VinniBucci