The Dusty Show from Aug 4, 2016

Aug 04, 2016, 11:33 PM

Set: Peter in Bryant Park Chase - "Open Up Wide" - Get It On Set: Trump and the Baby - Audio courtesy of AP Set: David on the Sidewalk Across the Street from Grand Central Station Melissa Manchester - "Just Too Many People" - Melissa Set: Gold Star Father, Khizr Khan, at the DNC Set: Shy Woman in Grand Central Station Set: Trump Speaks About Sacrifice on ABC Rush - "Earthshine" - Vapor Trails Set: Jonas from Denmark in front of Grand Central Station Set: Deepak Chopra from FOX Radio Steppenwolf - "Draft Resistor" - Monster Set: Jason is Leaning Trump Set: Trump Gets A Purple Heart - Audio: CNN White Zombie - "More Human Than Human" Set: Jennifer Chimes In Set: Senator Lindsay Graham (SC) on CNN Molly Hatchet - "Flirtin' With Disaster" Set: Peter and Joe in Bryant Square Park