Season 2 :: Episode 18 :: Harvey the Hamster's Half-Hour of Horror!

Aug 08, 2016, 12:00 AM


Grab your proton packs and PKE meters! Ghostbusters: Resurrection is a cinematic roleplaying podcast set in the present day with the same lore, weirdness, and comedy of the films, games, and comics.

Several days after returning from New York, the Central Florida Ghostbusters are getting back to their normal routine. Before they can get too comfortable, they receive a call from a television producer in Miami. The children’s show, Harvey The Hamster, is being haunted by the ghost of Mr. Richard, the recently deceased host of Mr. Richard’s Land of Imagination. The Ghostbusters hit the road yet again, but this time they’ll be forced to deal with what might be their most surreal encounter yet! Suit up and tune, it's time for your favorite show: “Harvey the Hamster's Half-Hour of Horror”!

Stay tuned for a community update revealing what's next!

For links and more info, head to the main episode page: