Blessing Has Burst

Aug 16, 2016, 12:48 PM

based on Matthew 9:14-17 They pour a pitiful whine about His disciples not fasting-- A bitter tasting brew of mercies grown stale and old, Like an unprepared patch which makes worse the fast’ning, Pulling brittle devotion from a heart that's grown cold. "There can be no sorrow" he said, "while the bridegroom tarries No grieving or renting one's garments in shame For the joy of His presence lifts their hearts and carries Them forward in celebration to the praise of his name." But one day they did mourn as the Groom was led away To pour out his life into a stone wineskin's shell. Stopped up and sealed fast in silence for three days Till Mary brought the news which no guest tires to tell, "Rejoice for the New Wine the Groom's resurrection pours The Bridegroom's bubbled blessing has burst open death's door!"

© Randy Edwards 2015 artwork: Phillip Medhurst - Photo by Harry Kossuth Print 5297 in Volume 38 of the Bowyer Bible in Bolton Museum, England. Etching by Jan Luyken; photo by Harry Kossuth; file created by Phillip Medhurst.

#christianity #poetry #sonnet