Gauri and Sadaf- Books are the Key

Season 1, Episode 94,   Aug 30, 2016, 03:59 PM


Today we welcome to the podcast two people with an incredible business that is perfect for children and anybody who wants a simple way to learn about South Asian culture (us): Gauri Manglik and Sadaf Siddique. The business is Kitaab World- a one stop shop for South Asian parents to find books (kitaab) that help kids connect to their South Asian culture. It's ideal for kids, or people who know nothing about South Asian culture (Arjun and me). Sitting down with Sadaf and Gauri, they explained to us the challenges they had teaching their kids about their South Asian heritage. Specifically the challenge to instill in them "strength of identity"- a strength that is difficult to develop without immersion in that culture. We discussed the importance of books and entertainment as a form of representation and reflection, the "spectrum of Desiness", and changes Gauri and Sadaf noticed in their own children since exposing them to these books. So sit back and listen to two women speak about a service we can all benefit from.