Come to the Table

Sep 13, 2016, 01:04 PM

based upon Luke 13:22-30 "Come to the table my son, my laughter, Take wood and knife and let us walk away Up into His provision.” When Isaac calls after, "Without a lamb? Do we only go to pray?" "Come to the table stand packed and waiting Holding your staff, eating pilgrim's bread List’ning to the stories of God's emancipating Which leaves the darkened kingdom’s firstborn dead." "Come to the table; long have I waited To celebrate this Passover with you; Which I give and pour in love consecrated: The meal of my body, my body to renew.” “I am the narrow door, the ram provided, the lamb, slain; Come you humble, to my table, be filled, rejoice, and reign.” © Randy Edwards 2016 Artwork: Gustave Dore Image: Felix Just, S.J. at #sonnet #christianity #sermonsonnet #poetry