How To Remove Cellulite With Exercise

Oct 10, 2016, 12:25 PM

A personal trainer can help you start out at the proper speed and level of resistance, show you the proper postures and movements, and teach you how to avoid injury. Get the right gear: Make sure you are wearing the proper clothing for your activity--that might mean footwear, protective knee pads, gloves, helmet, or a jogging bra or athletic supporter. If you use equipment, it should be in excellent condition and well maintained. Warm up and stretch: At the beginning of your routine, spend about five minutes warming up--for example, walking in place or freestyle dancing--to get the blood circulating to your muscles and to loosen up your joints.

Then stretch slowly until you feel some resistance and hold each stretch for a count of ten to twenty seconds. Warming up helps avoid muscle sprains. Start slowly and pay attention to your body's responses: During the first days and weeks of a new exercise routine, be careful and don't push too hard. Limit your initial workouts to a few minutes of light activity--or to a few minutes more than you usually do. If you feel fatigue or pain, stop and rest and try again tomorrow. Build strength and stamina over several weeks or months, and increase the demands on your body gradually. Make it fun: Do exercise you enjoy.