Top stories in M&A world – Betaville

Oct 24, 2016, 01:23 PM


Ben Harrington, Business Journalist and Editor at joins Tip TV’s Zak Mir to discuss latest happenings in the Merger and Acquistion (M&A) world.

Key M&A

American telecoms giant AT&T has agreed to buy Time Warner in a deal that values the media giant at $80 billion.

Aircraft Supplier Rockwell Collins to Buy B/E Aerospace for $6.4 Billion

BT cash and stock offer for Reynolds American

It is being reported that French Connection, the fashion chain, has been approached by US firm Neuberger Berman, the owner of British shirt maker Ben Sherman and Italian shoe brand Bruno Magli, in February.

#M&A, #UK, #US, #AT&T, #Time Warner, #Rockwell Collins, #B/E Aeroscpace, #BT, #Reynolds American, #French Connection