Episode 16: "Call me on my shell phone" (6x04 Review & Q&A Part 1)

Oct 28, 2016, 03:31 AM


You asked and we answered! For Episode 16 we kick off Part 1 of our massive "Once Upon a Q&A" segment where all eight of us answer questions submitted by our wonderful listeners. We talk about our favorite CS kisses, cosplaying, how we started the podcast, CS theme songs, secondary ships, CS 'coffee' time, tips for meeting Colin & Jen, favorite props, and much more! We even get a special musical performance from Jenna that is too much to handle. We also discuss episode 6x04 "Strange Case" and as always we give our weekly recommendations. Warning: This episode contains VERY mature content and strong language. Big thanks to the following ladies who submitted questions for this episode: Joan, Alicen, Shannon, Bianca, Amanda, Brenna, TheSSChestHair, Marianne, Jean, Hannah, Kelsey, and Jenna.

Our recs for this week! https://ouacspodcast.wordpress.com/2016/10/28/episode-sixteen-recommendations/

#OUAT #OnceUponATime #Oncers #CaptainSwan #ColinODonoghue #JenniferMorrison #UglyDucklings #Hookers #OUACSP