Stock watch: Trifast, Sopheon, Pier, Aversco – Vector Vest

Nov 08, 2016, 02:27 PM

In this segment, we talk to David Paul, MD, VectorVest who walks us through finer details of the technical and fundamental aspects of stocks - Trifast, Sopheon, Pier, Aversco.

Paul successfully called last week’s bearish move in the FTSE 100 in his previous appearances.

Watch this segment hosted by Tip TV’s Zak Mir to know which stocks could offer healthy returns with minimal risk if the markets turn higher from there.

#Trifast, #Sopheon, #Pier, #Aversco, #FTSE 100, #Vector Vest Composite, #Vector Vest, #Worry Free Investing, #stocks, #equities, #trading, #investing, #technicals, #fundamentals