Market roundup: Trump victory shows Americans are done with the politicians - Tip TV
Trump victory in the Presidential Elections is in complete contrast to the picture painted by the mainstream media outlets. As per them, Clinton led the way in pre election polls, she overshadowed Trump in all three debates and there was no way Americans would vote for someone as controversial as Donald Trump.
Well the mainstream media got it all wrong and so did the markets. However, markets quickly reassessed Trump victory and are on the roll now.
“Trump victory shows Americans are done with the politicians”, says Alessio Rastani from Rastani discusses how and why the media got it all wrong and how rump victory is a part of a bigger phenomenon - move away from politicians/political dynasties. Rastani and Tip TV’s Zak Mir also discuss the surprising risk-on action in the financial markets.
Listen to the opening segment to know the merits and demerits of having Trump at the helm of the world’s largest economy.
#US elections, #Trump, #Clinton, #markets, #UK, #US, #politics, #macro, #fundamentals, #technicals