Trump victory: Winners and Losers –Watson’s W.I.F.I

Nov 11, 2016, 02:11 PM

In this segment, Peter Watson from Watson’s W.I.F.I explains the Winners and Losers of the Trump victory in the US, UK and across the globe and goes on to detail the rise of the populist across Europe (in France, Netherlands and Germany), which as per him is a major downside. He is joined by Presenter Jenny Hammond and Tip TV’s Zak Mir. Watson also talks about the UK gig economy.

Listen to this segment to know how the markets are taking Trump’s victory so far and for some key headlines in Europe and across the globe.

#US elections, #Trump, #US, #UK, #business, #macro, #politics, #France, #Netherlands, #Germany, #markets, #trading, #gig economy