11/22/2016 The Blitz Hour 2

Nov 23, 2016, 12:07 AM


The second hour begins with Fred and AJ live at Saltgrass Steak House in Sugarland and continuing their discussion from the first hour about J. J. Watt from the Houston Texans. Fred and AJ also discuss their opinions on Jadeveon Clowney, defensive end of the Houston Texans, while also talking about how some of the Texans players played in last night’s game against the Oakland Raiders in Mexico City. The hour continues with Fred and AJ talking about Notre Dame’s head coach Brian Kelly, while also discussing Los Angeles Rams’ head coach Jeff Fisher closing in on the all-time coaching losses record. Then they transition to talking about college football with the game of the Ohio State Buckeyes vs. the Michigan State Spartans. The hour ends with Fred and AJ discussing a tradition that students at Yale University tend to do, while also doing their usual segment of the, ‘Gem of the Day.’ #SaltgrassSteakHouse #Sugarland #JJWatt #HoustonTexans #OaklandRaiders #MexicoCity #LosAngelesRams #JeffFisher #JadeveonClowney #defensiveend #NotreDame #BrianKelly #OhioStateBuckeyes #MichiganStateSpartans #YaleUniversity #GemoftheDay