KC Closeup: Johnson County Christmas Bureau / Rob Lehr's Thunderdome Documentary

Dec 04, 2016, 04:00 PM

In today's edition, we talk to Larry Bigus, Executive Director of the Johnson County Christmas Bureau. While this organization has been around for decades, this may be the first you hear of it. The Christmas Bureau is in the middle of their busy time because, as the name implies, they make the season a better one for the less fortunate in a locale where people poverty couldn't exist. In the second half of the show, filmmaker Rob Lehr talks about his documentary, Thunderdome, screening today at Screenland Armour as part of the Arts and Crafts Festival. Lehr was involved in a plane crash that caused him to suffer from PTSD. He turned to painting and then nerf gun fights to deal with his depression and pain. In his backyard he built the Thunderdome - a nerf fighting arena with obstacles, sniper towers and more. Learn about the man behind the movie in today's KC Closeup.