Postcards From Sea - John Herlig sails the world aboard Ave del Mar

Dec 12, 2016, 07:37 PM

Three years ago, John Herlig bought a tatty, sun-bleached old sailboat called Ave del Mar. Slowly and with great attention to detail, John has revived Ave and now they have embarked on a voyage together. There’s no real plan; no particular destination in mind. All we know is that John would like to see the whole world and that someday he might turn up at Boat Radio headquarters in Mallorca. This is a story about second chances and about how a discovery in a boatyard in Reedville, Virginia led to a new lease of life for both a 1967 Rawson 30' cutter and her former restaurateur owner. John’s artful self-deprecation and infectious laugh made him a favourite among Boat Radio’s listeners when he featured in an edition of The Life Aquatic. Now he’s back with his own series, introducing the people he meets and the places he visits as he and Ave explore the world together.