The gift of life at Christmas - a Ballymena mother prepares to give a kidney and part of her liver to save her son

Dec 23, 2016, 09:30 AM

So what gifts are you going to be giving your loved ones on the big day - it's not long now - two more sleeps? Perfume, jewellery, money? Well, what about the gift of life?

For one County Antrim mother, this will be the gift she will be giving to her four year old son in the New Year. Sarah Lamont will be taking her son, Joe, to Birmingham for life saving transplant surgery.... With Sarah being his living donor. She will be donating part of her liver and one of her kidneys to her desperately ill child in just a few weeks time. I went to meet Sarah and Joe at their home in Ballymena and found out more about what life has been like for them over the last four years.