HTE 305: Transforming the Design Industry | Alec Lynch

Jan 12, 2017, 03:41 PM

My guest today is a former strategy consultant, parallel parking expert, and entrepreneur. After graduating from university, my best went to work as a senior consultant. While working across a variety of industries he could see a number of challenges and opportunities taking place within the traditional design industry. So he had an idea to solve these challenges. Once his co-founder had built the first prototype for the website, he quit his job, moved back in with his parents, and started working full time on DesignCrowd. This was September 2007, before officially launching the site in early 2008. In 2009, DesignCrowd received $300,000 from Angel Investors and have since raised a further $12 million in venture capital. Today, DesignCrowd has 50 staff across offices in Sydney, Manila and San Francisco, has over half a million registered designers and almost $20 million in annual revenue. Now, let’s hack… Alec Lynch.