Black Lives Matter chants from Womxn's March Seattle

Jan 25, 2017, 06:39 AM

Black Lives Matter demonstrators marching at the Womxn's March in Seattle call-and-respond chant, "Whose lives matter? Black Lives Matter!". Down the block a religious proselytizer yells into a bullhorn. When the marchers are reach him, they stop, standing strong and chanting in his direction until he relents, causing a cheer to break out among the onlookers. The marchers continue with another call and reponse, "When women's rights are under attack, what do we do? Stand up, fight back!" A circling news helicopter gathers aerial footage from above.

On January 21st, 2017, Seattle joined forces and unite for the Womxn’s March on Seattle in solidarity with the national Women’s March on Washington D.C. and other sister events around the world.

With an estimated crowd of over 150,000 marchers, it was one of the largest peaceful marches in Seattle history. The full march stretched nearly 3.5 miles, starting at Judkins Park and ending at Seattle Center.

In an effort to aid in documenting this historic event for future generations, I made my way through the crowd and recorded from numerous vantage points, never hiding myself nor taking my presence out of the situation.

I present these tracks to you to have and download and use free of license or attribution. I would only ask that you use them to honor and respect the mission of the march and do not seek to use them to harm, hurt, oppress, marginalize, or otherwise minimize anyone's plight.

If you use these tracks in a for-profit manner, I'd appreciate the thanks and credit.

More about the Women's March:

#Womxn'sMarchSeattle #BlackLivesMatter #chanting #demonstration #march #Seattle