Last Race Home in conversation with Oldham Chronicle journalist Simon Smedley

Feb 14, 2017, 12:57 PM

THEY'VE not been together 12 months yet, but already the bright lights could well be set to beckon for exciting collective Last Race Home. The locally-based six-piece folk/rock-inspired outfit - guitar/vocalist Denis Ferrige, guitarist Ste O'Toole, drummer Jim Correy, bassist Phil McArdle, trumpet player Ste Greenhalgh and backing vocalist Donna Jevens - are an experienced bunch. Aside from Jevens, they've all played in bands before and that musical nous will be clear for all to hear when Last Race Home release their first (double 'A' side) single next month. Listen to Oldham Chronicle music journalist Simon Smedley speaking exclusively to Ste, Ste, Phil and Jim from the band about their single launch night and much, much more.