Episode 107 :: It’s Weird, But it’s GOOD!

Feb 13, 2017, 03:49 PM

We've noticed a common factor in our reviews of recent series: we're saying "it's cute" a lot. And sure, there's been a lot of cute anime over the years, but has something changed? Over the last two decades has anime has evolved into something different? It's not necessarily a bad thing (or is it for some?), but we've seen our shows go through these noticeable design changes that alter the way that we look at the medium of anime as a whole. Honestly, we're just glad that the same amount of tentacles are still around . . .

Join Jonathan, Andrew, and Evan as they talk about what’s happening in anime and the evolution of the character design! PLUS – The Super Bowl, Pacman deaths, and three-naked-ladies

Links and more on the episode's main page: http://nerdyshow.com/2017/02/wicked-anime-podcast-episode-107-weird-good