Family stuck in limbo as immigration laws mean they can't return to Northern Ireland #BBCNolan

Mar 02, 2017, 09:55 AM

Last week the Supreme Court made a significant ruling in favour of the government around rules preventing thousand of British citizens from bringing a foreign spouse to the UK as lawful. As of 2012, Britons must earn more than £18,600 before a husband or wife from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) can settle in the UK. Judges rejected an appeal by families who argued that the rules breached their human right to a family life. Well we've been contacted by one family who have been left bitterly disappointed by the ruling. Stephen is originally from Northern Ireland but now lives in Los Angeles with his American wife and two children. He wants to come home with his family and says current restrictions are making it impossible. Vinny spoke to Stephen earlier and began by asking him to tell me what brought him to America.