What's the difference between a Japanese RPG and a Western RPG? {Ep. 28}

Mar 15, 2017, 01:26 PM

There are guests galore on this riveting episode of Trust Sircle where we compare the differences between Japanese Role Playing Games and Western developed RPGs. Fan favorite Evan Maier-Zucchino returns to the show to reveal his inner fanboy. Matthew Charles, host of the Geek Stew Podcast and a former RPG localization specialist, lends his expertise to the conversation as well. After discussing the safety concerns of bringing a bird with irritable bowel syndrome into a pizza parlor, the Great Pork Battle begins!

{SUPPORT OUR FRIENDS} Geek Stew Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/geek-stew/id1193910208?mt=2 {SUPPLEMENTAL READING} How Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Horizon Zero Dawn achieve open-world excellence http://topshelfgaming.net/zelda-breath-wild-horizon-dawn-open-world/

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