
Season 1, Episode 10,   Mar 30, 2017, 11:00 PM

This month we we talk trans to mark Trans Day of Visibility on the 31st March. According to the Trans Mental Health Review, 84% of trans people have contemplated ending their life, and that is just not okay. To help us better understand the issues trans people face everyday, and how we can be better allies to them, we invited Bex, Sabah and Romario.

Bex is Head of Trans Inclusion at Stonewall and tells us about her story of self acceptance and how something as simple as speaking in an elevator is enough to encourage inappropriate whispers (@Bex_Stinson)

Second we chat to Sabah, a trans Muslim who highlights the importance of being visible if you can, and helps us unpick the question of can you be trans and have faith at the same time? (@SabahChoudrey)

Last but by no means least is Romario. Hailing from Jamaica, Romario explains what it’s like to be LGBTQ+ in one of the most transphobic countries, and what his family thought when he introduced himself as the man he is. (@mrblackbranson)

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