s02ep19 - The Heroic Emma Watson

May 11, 2017, 02:05 AM


Jeff is out this week but we're joined by Ira. Topics include: Tim's radio show pilot on WSB, The Leftovers, American Gods, Fargo, Better Call Saul, Silicon Valley, Guardians of the Galaxy 2, new movie trailers, the stupid MTV Movie Awards, and more. Plus: New Releases with the Red Box Troll, Staff Picks, and 80io Labyrinth examines Stephen King movies from the 1980s.

Tim - Norm Macdonald Netflix (5/9/17) http://splitsider.com/2017/05/heres-a-teaser-for-norm-macdonalds-netflix-special-hitlers-dog-gossip-trickery/

Steph- Master of None-Season 2 Netflix (05/12/17) http://www.radiotimes.com/news/2017-05-05/when-is-master-of-none-season-2-released-on-netflix-everything-you-need-to-know-about-aziz-ansaris-return Medium Popcorn Podcast https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/medium-popcorn-ni-as-spoiling-movies/id957797066?mt=2

Ira - Retronauts Podcast (about classic video games, but also current) http://www.retronauts.com/ Col. Bruce and ARU album on iTunes (1991) https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/col.-bruce-hampton-aquarium/id426790846

Jeff: Jeff Garlin’s Netlfix movie Handsome http://deadline.com/2016/06/netflix-handsome-jeff-garlin-star-direct-netflix-comedy-film-1201772458/

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#AmericanGods, #Fargo, #TheLeftovers, #TheDarkTower, #TheGunslinger, #StephenKing, #It, #BetterCallSaul, #FXX, #FX, #Starz, #HBO, #SiliconValley, #GOTG, #MTV, #EmmaWatson, #Radio, #Podcast, #MediumPopcorn, #StandByMe, #Cujo, #Christine, #Creepshow, #TheRunningMan, #ChildrenoftheCorn, #Horror, #TheStand, #TheShining, #TheDeadZone, #CatsEye