The Shazam Game; Casi Joy in Studio; Our Major Award: SHOWcast 05/26/2017

May 26, 2017, 05:30 PM

Truta couldn't seem to drag his butt out of bed, so the girls and Joey started #TheShowKC without him. Netflix is analyzing our viewing habits and what we all watch in the morning may surprise you...or not. KC102.1 was nominated for a major award and none of us can afford to buy tickets for the banquet to see if we win. B&B Theatres presents the new movies feature and this week we talk Baywatch and Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales. Truta compares himself to Zac Efron and The Rock. Casi Joy from the Voice joins us in studio to talk about her upcoming tour and performance in Kansas City. Like Truta, she was late getting going because her alarm failed her. We rope Casi into playing the Shazam game, which is Truta's new favorite game show. For a second it appeared as if no one would get anything right. More entertainment news and then Jen and Truta discuss the new Netflix show The Keepers, which is about a nun. Both Jen and Truta went to Catholic school and both either fainted or puked in church. That sounds appetizing. Thank you to all of our active military and the veterans! Happy Memorial Day to you. See you back on June 5th with new live shows.