Joel McHale; Beat Shazam Game; Weird Dreams: SHOWcast 06/09/2017

Jun 09, 2017, 03:34 PM

Friday at #TheShowKC at Producer Joey is in Chicago with a wedding that features a magician and pet adoptions. Wha??? The Show kicks off and Truta is back after spending a day with a sick kid. He almost likes doing the show better at home (he can stay in his undies there). We get to entertainment news and the Seinfeld (non)-hug heard 'round the world. Weird dreams occupied our thoughts. And then Joel McHale (The Soup, Community) called up to chat...and we give you the FULL conversation right here. Next it's the movies opening up this weekend with B&B Theatres. Our buddy James Johann came in to promote his show at Stanfords and we roped him into playing the Beat Shazam game...and he was pretty good! Another quick round of entertainment news and we are off to the weekend. See you Monday!