Leuven On the Great Destinations Radio Show

Jun 16, 2017, 05:27 AM

Keri Jones Of GreatDestinationsRadioShow.com visits Leuven in Belgium. This is Belgian’s beer city- home to Stella Artois and a host of craft brewers. Keri goes on one of the city’s beer tours with beerhop.be. He also visits the historic sites including a UNESCO-listed ‘village’ for unmarried women and the city’s stunning 14th century Gothic town hall. Historic Leuven is home to 30,000 students and this vibrant university town could be considered to be Belgium’s version of Cambridge or Oxford. That means there are lots of interesting things to do and many choices for food, for all budgets. Keri discovers what’s on offer including a restaurant which only serves lasagne! Leuven is easy to reach, it's just a 30-minute train ride from Brussels.