Episode 291 :: Moogfest (and E3) Walk With Me

Jun 21, 2017, 12:00 AM

The summer is already off to a breakneck start for both pop culture and your beloved hosts. Hosts like boR, Nicky, Jon, and... what was that other one? They used to be on the show quite a bit... oh, Cap! Our fearless leader has returned from their travels hither and thither and brought with them eclectic tales. Learn about Cap and Jon's experiences at Moogfest - a combination science and technology conference and music festival. Hear about encounters with transhumanist presidential candidates, famed musicians, and failures at mental synthesis. Cap also gushes over the return of Twin Peaks and offers a spoiler-free primer for what's in store.

But, while that backlog of adventuring is plenty interesting, there's new hotness afoot: namely E3 - the year's annual deluge of video game announcements. We eat more weird food and share our thoughts and insights on the crazy things coming from Nintendo, Ubisoft's shocking announcement of Beyond Good and Evil 2, our skepticism towards Anthem, how amazing Spider-Man looks, and much, much more.

For links and more info, head to the main episode page: https://nerdyshow.com/2017/06/nerdy-show-291-moogfest-and-e3-walk-with-me