WMAL Interview - CHRISTIAN TOTO - 07.21.17

Jul 22, 2017, 03:06 PM

INTERVIEW — CHRISTIAN TOTO — Film Critic and Host of “The Hollywood in Toto” podcast (available on iTunes)

TOPICS: Dunkirk, Spiderman, summer flicks and HBO’s controversial “Confederate: series
What other summer films should we look out for? Any big summer flicks this summer?
NEW MOVIE: “DUNKIRK”: Why are people obsessed with Dunkirk? What is it about?
The Guardian: Dunkirk review – Christopher Nolan’s apocalyptic war epic is his best film so far
Not Enough ‘Women’, ‘People of Color’ in ‘Dunkirk,’ USA Today Complains: USA Today’s reviewer couldn’t resist giving it a little rap on the knuckles about its shameful lack of diversity and equality: “The trio of timelines can be jarring as you figure out how they all fit, and the fact that there are only a couple of women and no lead actors of color may rub some the wrong way.” Yes, it’s true that Dunkirk’s leading roles are indeed dominated by white European males. But one possible reason for this is that Dunkirk was an actual historical event which director Christopher Nolan has gone to considerable trouble to recreate as accurately as possible.
‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ Not Woke Enough for SJW Critics. (Christian Toto) –  Marvel’s newest superhero film features an aggressively diverse cast of characters. Critics still have a bone to pick with the movie. The new “Spider-Man: Homecoming” is so woke it stings. Only it isn’t enough. Anyone shocked?