Dog Owners: Stop Worrying About Autism and Vaccinate Your Pet... and More Stories

Aug 03, 2017, 12:11 PM

Included in this SpokenEdition:

1) Dog Owners: Stop Worrying About Autism and Vaccinate Your Pet

2) Trump Backs Bill to Cut Legal Immigration in Half

3) Temperatures in South Asia to Hit Unlivable Levels by 2100

4) Halo Top CEO Insists His Ice Cream Is Healthy: ‘People Can Eat the Whole Pint’

5) The Most Annoying Drink You Can Order on a Plane, According to a Flight Attendant

6) 'As Any Father Would'

7) Your Sleep Habits Could Be Why You’re Gaining Weight

8) Drinking organic wine won't prevent a hangover

9) Newt Gingrich, Van Jones: Drug Courts Can Help Solve the Opioid Crisis

10) Why Millennials Are Saving More for Retirement

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