Bedlam and confusion over electric bikes - you could be done if you don't have licence, insurance and tax

Aug 08, 2017, 09:12 AM

The Nolan Show can reveal this morning that if you own an electric bike in Northern Ireland you must have a motorcycle licence. The bike will also need to be insured, be taxed and registered with the DVA. You will also have to wear a motor bike helmet when riding it. If you don't do those things the police have told us you could be liable for a fine and a minimum of 6 penalty points. And they say you could even be disqualified depending upon the Judge's view of the offence. Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK where this applies. In GB if you're 14 or over, you can ride electric bikes that meet certain requirements. You don't need a licence to ride one and it doesn't need to be registered, taxed or insured. Stephen got reaction from commentator and keen cyclist Malachi O'Doherty and Green Party leader Steven Agnew.