Episode 92 - Yellow Jackets!

Aug 17, 2017, 09:37 PM


Our friend Stu sits in as we discuss the usual shows we love and...Meet the all-new, all British Red Box Troll! Plus, Tim's IVF diddle session, yellow jacket attack, and a whole lot more.

Ira and his band The Vipers will be competing this Sunday, August 20th, in the 2017 Atlanta Blues Challenge at The Hard Rock Cafe downtown, hosted by the Atlanta Blues Society.

Ira's band will play a 25 minute set around 6pm, and will be competing against 6 other blues bands doing the same. If Ira’s band wins in Atlanta, they'll get a pretty hefty grand prize, recording studio time, and most importantly, will go on to compete against bands from all over the Country in Memphis in January (Ira will NOT win the National competition, but it will be fun to go to Memphis to play some gigs).

Tickets this Sunday are $15, and it starts at 1pm. See bands all day long, and please come out and support #FuckinIra.

For more info, go to http://atlantabluessociety.org/


(Tim) Mr. Plinkett's Ghostbusters (2016) Review (Red Letter Media) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHUV8QLpEAc

(Steph) The Defenders-August 18th (Netflix) http://variety.com/2017/tv/reviews/the-defenders-marvel-netflix-tv-review-krysten-ritter-mike-colter-finn-jones-1202528826/

(Jeff) White Gold (Netflix) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt6010920/

Don't forget to go here for some good eats: www.burgabox.com/labyrinth And get 20 percent off your first order. Burger? BurgaBox!

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Wake up! Have a Banjo Cold Brew http://www.banjocoldbrew.com/

#Preacher #BloodDrive #RayDonovan #GameOfThrones #RickAndMorty #AdultSwim #RedBox #BurgaBox #Burgers #Ozark #JasonBateman #Netflix #HBO #Showtime #AMC #SyFy #YellowJackets #Wasps #RicFlair #Snatched #KingArthur #HowToBeALatinLover #RedLetterMedia #MrPlinkett #Ghostbusters #TheDefenders #CafeSociety #WhiteGold #HaltAndCatchFire #AdamCarolla