Oxfordshire's fight with fly-tipping

Jan 13, 2012, 12:13 PM

This morning BBC Oxford ran the story that farmers in Oxfordshire are afraid that fly tipping on their land is increasing as council crackdowns shift the problem from publically owned land to privately owned land. I lined up interviews with Julian Sayers, a surveyer, and Paul Mocroft from Oxfordshire Waste Partnership - here is James Cannon interviewing them live on the show this morning. (I found the story, chased the councils for figures, lined up the live interviews, wrote the cues, questions and briefs and lined up, recorded and edited the clips. For the same story I also did this: http://audioboo.fm/boos/622326-smile-you-re-on-hedgecam and http://audioboo.fm/boos/622340-rooting-through-rubbish-to-catch-fly-tippers and http://audioboo.fm/boos/622313-fly-tipping-down-at-the-farm) Pic from Alan Stanton on flickr