Bill Nye Sues Disney for $9.35 Million in Missing 'Science Guy' Profits... and More Stories

Aug 28, 2017, 12:11 PM

Included in this SpokenEdition:

1) Bill Nye Sues Disney for $9.35 Million in Missing 'Science Guy' Profits

2) Can you lose weight just from your stomach?

3) President Trump Tweets About 2016 Election and Border Wall in the Midst of Hurricane Harvey

4) Uber Picks Expedia Chief as New CEO

5) Here’s How You Can Help the Victims of Hurricane Harvey

6) ‘The President Speaks for Himself.’ Rex Tillerson Distances Himself From Trump

7) 12 Things That Are About to Get Cheaper at Whole Foods

8) A Look at the Devastating Destruction Caused by Hurricane Harvey

9) Gloria Feldt: Resistance Alone Won’t Bring About Women’s Equality

10) ‘Please Stop the Violence.’ Organizer Cancels Right-Wing Rally Over Concerns of Clashes

11) ‘No One Is Above the Law.’ John McCain and Others Slam President Trump for Pardoning Joe Arpaio

12) Trump Cybersecurity Advisors Resign, Citing His ‘Insufficient Attention’ to Threats

13) Counterprotesters Flood San Francisco Streets

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