Episode 94 - Sir Reginald Nubbinsworth

Aug 31, 2017, 01:57 PM


We welcome Autumn Fischer from WSB’s “The Von Haessler Doctrine”! Join us as we talk, Game of Thrones, Blood Drive, Preacher, Ozark, Ray Donovan, reality TV and more! Autumn adds her many voices (and opinions), the Red Box Troll gets a name, more Dragon Con talk, YOUR reviews and Staff Dick Picks.

The Roast of Daenerys Targaryen www.ticketalternative.com/event/roast-of-daenerys-targaryen www.1upcomedy.com

She is Daenerys Stormborn, of House Targaryen. Rightful heir to the Iron Throne, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, the Rhoynar, and the First Men. She is the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains... and on Saturday, September 2 she will be Roasted!

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Doors 8pm / Show 9pm

Tickets are $7 in advance or $10 at the door.

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#GameOfThrones, #BloodDrive, #Ray Donovan, #Preacher, #Ozark, #HellOrHighWater, #GoTG2, #RedBox, #HBO, #SyFy, #Showtime, #AMC, #Netflix, #Baywatch, #AlienCovenant, #Inconceivable, #MarcMaron, #AHSCult, #FX, #GilbertGottfied, #BobCatGoldthwait, #DragonCon, #JohnCusack, #NormMacdonald, #JerrySeinfeld