WMAL Interview - PHIL KERPEN - 09.06.17

Sep 06, 2017, 04:29 PM

INTERVIEW - PHIL KERPEN - President, American Commitment


Menendez battles bribery charges as trial kicks off By Jordain Carney - 09/06/17 06:00 AM EDT

Sen. Robert Menendez is set to become the first sitting senator in years to face bribery charges in a case that could reshape the Senate.

The New Jersey Democrat will head to court Wednesday to battle charges that he used his influence to help Salomon Melgen, a Florida eye doctor, in exchange for gifts and campaign donations.

The trial — which is expected to last up to two months, not including any potential appeals — could have major ramifications for the Senate, where Republicans have a slim 52-seat majority.

Menendez has denied wrongdoing, predicting the bribery and corruption charges against him will be dropped. But Republicans are wasting no time using the incumbent senator’s trial to put a bull’s-eye on Democrats.

Republicans plan to target vulnerable Democrats up for reelection in 2018 in states won by President Trump as well as potential 2020 Democratic presidential contenders in an effort to make them go on the record about what happens if Menendez is convicted.