Past Life | Dream Meanings & Dream Interpretation

Oct 10, 2017, 09:00 AM


A small child is awoken in the night and vividly recounts scenes from a concentration camp with his "other mother".

Could a dream about new babies be a premonition of the future?

How can crying in dreams help balance our "real life" emotions?

What good comes from being attacked by raptors in a tunnel?

To share your dream and possibly have it discussed on a future episode visit or call 1-800-606-7193.

We all have dreams, but what exactly do they mean? While no one knows the exact answer to this question, we can sure try! On Dream Meanings, we take your calls and read your letters about your dreams and give you our opinion and dream interpretation. From nightmares to funny dreams to what feels like visits from loved ones. We talk about it all on Dream Meanings. This program is NOT medical, psychological or psychiatric advice and is for entertainment purposes only. For professional medical advice of any kind, please contact your doctor.

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