Ari B Dance Into The Party Interview

Sep 29, 2017, 03:01 PM

Ari wrote out the whole concept herself and was super involved with everything from the choreography, to the back-up dancer auditions (900 dancers submitted to be in this video). This video has a bit of a West Side Story Theme (loosely), with 2 different groups of dancers (Red vs. Black).

When the video opens, the Black group is warming up on one side of the building, the Red group doing the same on the other side of the building. The lead dancer from the Red group (AJ) comes into Ari's studio and challenges her to a dance off. When the Black and Red group are dancing down the hall - this is a bit of Ari's fantasy of both groups coming together. Then the scene goes outside to the Black vs. Red. dance-off, it becomes intense and thoughtful. At the end, the two groups realize that they have more in common than they thought - they can see beyond their differences with their equivalent passion for dance. The glass is broken - in the final scene, Ari is leading her group into the Red room, where the Red dancers are. Together the two groups no longer dance separately, but united as one large group.