Is It a Law? Taken from today's CITY SQUARE-03-09-16

Season 1, Episode 208,   Mar 09, 2016, 11:12 PM

Is it illegal to get a fish drunk in Oklahoma?  And are there "John Schools" in LA (sort of like "Traffic Schools") that allow you to wipe out your conviction for soliciting a prostitute?  Find out on this week's episode of THE CITY SQUARE as they put Donna Boston, Director of the OC Sheriff's Emergency Management Division, to the test during this popular segment of our weekly public policy show.  Wednesdays at 9am PST only on Orange County's only community radio station,  Hosted by the Association of California Cities-OC and brought to you by OC's largest law firm,Rutan and Tucker along with the other show sponsors Waste Management, West Coast Arborist and the HERO program for financing home improvements on your property tax bill.