Famous Monsters Podcast Ep. 26: The Walking Dead & The Legacy of George A. Romero

Season 2, Episode 26,   Oct 20, 2017, 07:53 AM


The Walking Dead returns with its 8th season and Matt & Aaron are back to give us their thoughts on the zombie filled phenom. You can’t talk about zombies though without mentioning, the late great, George A. Romero’s definitive three zombie classics Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of Dead, and Day of the Dead. Will the Rocketeers rise to the occasion for this massive episode?

Hosted by the Launchpad Podcast's Rocketeers Matt Corrigan and Aaron McLane.

If you’re interested in learning more about Famous Monsters or its conventions go to https://famousmonsters.com, https://www.famousmonstershalloween.com/, or https://silverscreamfest.com/

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