Ken Bruce - Rob Brydon - April Fool

Episode 327,   Jan 31, 2012, 10:10 PM


Ken is a trusted pair of hands every morning on BBC Radio Two. Ken worked for BBC Scotland (and its predecessor Radio 4, Scotland); and has hosted shows for the World Service. He joined Radio Two in 82, graduating to his own excellent weekend late shows two years later. Breakfast beckoned, as Wogan left the schedule for the first time; but, frankly, taking over from him is a tough call for anyone. Back then too, the science of managing presenter transitions was also less-developed. Ken bounced around the schedule at the whim of Controllers, alighting in his now natural mid-morning home in 1992, where he is on the verge of becoming a national treasure. That does take radio listeners about 20 years, I reckon.

I like Ken, and, my only puzzle is his lovely Radio Two habit (almost part of its format since David Hamilton days) of always telling callers about themselves: 'You live in Bradford, you have two children and you enjoy knitting and yachts'.

Here he is though in a novel form. On April Fool's Day 2011, Rob Brydon hosted Ken's show, playing the part of him, with a delicious impersonation. In this excerpt, the real Ken appears, taking the whole thing in good spirit, as befits the gentleman he is.