Episode 103 - Dave Willis' Pretty Squid Face
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Adult Swim's Dave Willis joins us to talk Season 11 of Squidbillies, upcoming episodes of Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and AdultSwim.com's Pregame Prognostifications From The Pigskin Wyzzard, hosted by Aqua Teen's Carl Brutananadilewski.
PLUS: Going to the Emmy's, Louis C.K., Conyers, GA's own Jack McBrayer, the sordid past of Rockdale County, GA, working with John Amos (Good Times, Die Hard, Beastmaster) and Carl B. talks football.
Pregame Prognostifications (Adult Swim) http://www.adultswim.com/videos/streams/pregame-prognostifications-from-the-pigskin-wyzzard/
Squidbillies http://www.adultswim.com/videos/squidbillies/
Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell http://www.adultswim.com/videos/your-pretty-face-is-going-to-hell/
Last Podcast on the Left https://www.lastpodcastontheleft.com/
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#Squidbillies #YourPrettyFace #AdultSwim #LouisCK #AquaTeen #NFL #Giants #Mindhunters #StrangerThings #LastPodcastOnTheLeft #JohnAmos #JackMcBrayer #ScottBaio